Benevolence stills from Broadleaf Creative
A Broadleaf Creative Production
directed by Kevin Matthew Wong
starring Gayle Nye, Nora Butz, Jackie Ngai
editor Noel Pendawa
composer and sound designer Chris Ross-Ewart
re-recording Mixer Bernice Chu
colorist Kevin Wu
production assistants Fanny Hu, Corinne Langmuir
producer Broadleaf Creative
ABout the FILM:
In this documentary, Jackie, Nora and Gayle are three Hakka Chinese women from Victoria, B.C. who unite to save Canada’s oldest Chinese temple from crumbling. Along the way, the women explain the challenges of maintaining the temple and its significance as a cultural and community hub.
Benevolence is part of Broadleaf Creative’s “Benevolence Series” celebrating Hakka stories, which includes a theatre production, short documentary, and video installation.
Reel Asian International Film Festival, 2023
Minikino Film Week, 2024
Supporters and Funders
Benevolence has been developed through residencies with Why Not Theatre and Reel Asian International Film Festival’s Unsung Voices 12 Program. Circulation of Benevolence has been generously supported through the Canada Council for the Arts’ Arts Abroad Program.
Benevolence is available for screening.
Contact broadleaftheatre@gmail.com for more information.